Charitable Organization

Under current law charitable organization is a legal person, the main purpose of which is charity. Charities can be created in the form of charitable foundation, charitable societies and charitable institutions.

Bladiyna organization in Ukraine has charitable status.

The founders of the charitable organizations can be both physical and legal persons.

The cost and terms of registration of charitable organization you can find out by calling our firm by phone:

044 379 15 36

096 219 59 19

095 217 62 27

063 841 03 99

Sales companies with VAT

You have decided to organize their own business or expand an existing one and you need to create a legal entity status and obtain a VAT The best solution for you is buying already-registered company that did not conduct activities and registered as a VAT payer.
Why should just buy the company? But it is more expensive than the order of incorporation from scratch?
So. But buying the company excluded the next day you can conduct financial and business operations with VAT, rather than wait sometimes up to 2 - oh months until the new company will register the payer RAP.
According to the Tax Code has the right to voluntarily register as VAT payers, without corresponding turnover by submitting to the tax authority application form no later than 20 calendar days before the beginning of the tax period from which you want to get VAT status.
But business dictates very fast pace both in terms of decision making and the organizational sphere of activity of companies. Therefore, more people prefer to have registered and fully ready for business work.
There is a time to wait? - We will help you register a company and obtain VAT status.
No time, but it is time to act and make money? - Get registered company VAT and tomorrow begin to make a profit!
All companies are offered for sale with VAT status. Bank accounts have not been made, the activity was not conducted.
Cost of registration depends on the area and the need for further legal address.
For more information please call:
096 219 59 19
095 217 62 27
063 841 03 99
Our experts will select a company that fully meets your requirements!

Public Association

According to the Law of Ukraine "On public associations" voluntary association of individuals and legal entities established to meet the cultural, social, environmental, economic interests and protection of rights and freedoms is a public association. The law also set to form associations - NGO (association founders and members of which are individuals) and public unions (associations founded by legal entities of private law, and the parties may be individuals and legal entities).
The cost and timing of the registration of a public association can know by calling our firm by phone:
044 379 15 36
096 219 59 19
095 217 62 27
063 841 03 99

Limited Liability Company

Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the most common organizational - legal form of legal entity in Ukraine.


To date, the main advantages of LLC are:


responsibility founders limited the size of their share in the authorized capital of the company;

no minimum share capital;

Ltd. founders can be individuals, as citizens of Ukraine and foreigners, legal entities regardless of country of registration.


It should be remembered that the Limited Liability can not be the sole member of another business entity, to which the same person. A person may be a member of only one of a limited liability company, which has one competitor (ch. 2, Art. 141 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).


In order to register Ltd. must first determine the direction of the company. It is also necessary to clearly define:


LLC Ukrainian language name (optional, except the Ukrainian language, the name may be contained in any other languages). Company name - a unique name of the company that should exactly match the name of other companies of the same organizational form;
Ltd share capital, which currently is not limited to a minimum or maximum limits;
distribution of shares among the founders of the company (if more than one founders);
Ltd. location;
NACE activities for 2010;
tax system (simplified or general) as well as the need for VAT registration;
contact information (phone number, e-mail to others.).


Open registration procedure defined by law. In order to properly and timely conduct state registration OOO better to turn to professionals who are employees of our company.


What do you get contacting us?


assistance in choosing activities and their compliance with NACE 2010;

free advice regarding choosing the optimal tax system;

preparation of statutory documents;

the state registration of the LLC in the regional administrations;

Description (document confirming the fact of state registrar registration statement and which has a unique digital code for an extract from the Unified State Register)

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and individuals - entrepreneurs (in the past - the certificate of registration);

Extract from the register of single tax payers and registration of VAT payers (depending on the chosen system of taxation);

seal with the name of the company.


Registration in the State Fiscal Service (DFS) Ukraine and the statistics carried out automatically after the state registration of LLC.


Period of performance:


Registration Ltd - 2 business days after receiving your attorney and notary signing of the Charter;

register a single tax payer - from 5 to 10 days, depending on the territorial tax office (this term includes obtaining an extract from the registry single taxpayers);

VAT registration - 3 business days (in the case of voluntary or compulsory VAT registration);

get an extract from the register of VAT payers - 3 working days from the date of registration as VAT.


Status Single Tax and VAT can be checked at any time on the official website of DFS Ukraine.


Cost of services:


Open registration - 1500 UAH.

Open registration as a payer single tax or VAT - 500 UAH.


The cost of services not included notary registration of power of attorney, which is, and optional certification of signatures on the founding statutes.


Additional Services:


an electronic digital signature (makes it possible to report tax via the Internet) - 650 UAH.

register cash register (payment transactions) - 1500 UAH.

registration of employees - 300 UAH. per person.

a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages - 1500 UAH.

a license for the retail sale of tobacco products - 1500 UAH.

Individual entrepreneur


If you want to start your own business but do not have the desire to create a legal entity, you need to sign up as an individual - entrepreneur (FLP).

Get status FOP can both resident and non-resident of Ukraine. In case of registration FLP non-residents of Ukraine must obtain a temporary residence permit, indicating the place of registration in Ukraine and the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (ID).

Prior to the registration of individual entrepreneur you must decide with:

  • activities that you want to deal with (by NACE-2010);
  • taxation (flat tax or the total system).

At this stage, you have to state registration in district administration. Registration in the State Fiscal Service (DFS) Ukraine and the statistics carried out automatically after the state registration of FLP.

When passed this stage, if you simplified taxation system must submit an application to the territorial authority DFS at the place of your registration and register book of income (or Book of income and expenses in the event you elect the general taxation system).

To save yourself hassle and possible mistakes during registration FOP, we recommend our firm. With extensive experience in this area we will register and efficiently in no time.

In order for our company specialists started the work necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney on your behalf to conduct registration actions and provide a copy of the passport and identification number.

What do you get contacting us?

  • assistance in the selection of activities and according to NACE 2010;
  • free advice on the choice of optimal tax system for you;
  • Individual state registration in district administrations;
  • Description (document confirming the fact of state registrar of the registration statement, and which has a unique digital code for an extract from the Unified State Register)
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and individuals - entrepreneurs (in the past - the certificate of registration)

If you elect the simplified tax system we present documents to the territorial tax office and get:

  • Excerpt from registry single tax payers;
  • registered book of income.

Registration in the tax office as the payer of the single social contribution (Single Contribution) takes place automatically, which is a record in the statement of USR.

Terms of performance:

  • Registration FOP (regardless of place of residence) - 2-4 working days from receipt of your notary warrant;
  • register a single tax payer and the book of income (if the individual has a residence in the city. Kyiv) - 5 to 10 days, depending on the territorial tax.
  • register a single tax payer and the book of income (if the individual has a residence in any other region of Ukraine) - from 10 to 20 days, depending on the territorial tax.

Status single tax payer natural person - entrepreneur gets from the date of state registration (if selected 3 groups of single tax), or the first day of the month following the day of registration (if selected first or second group of the single tax), which allows you to start working with certain date not yet having the extract from the register of single tax payers.

Single tax payer status can be checked at any time on the official website of DFS Ukraine.

Cost of services:

  • Individual registration of residence permit for the city. Kyiv -  500 UAH. (Including registered a single tax payer and the book of income).
  • Individual registration of residence in any region of Ukraine - 1300 UAH. (Including registered a single tax payer and the book of income).

The cost of services not included notary registration of power of attorney.


         096 219 59 19

         095 217 62 27

         063 841 03 99

Additional Services:

  • seal - 400 UAH.
  • an electronic digital signature (makes it possible to report tax via the Internet) - 350 UAH.
  • register cash register (of payment transactions) - 1500 UAH.
  • registration of employees - 300 UAH. per person.
  • a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages - 1500 UAH.
  • a license for retail trade in tobacco products - 1500 UAH.
  • Accounting support of activity - from 500 UAH. in place.