Change location

Tax legal entity (separated subdivision of legal entity) is the location of the legal entity, information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and individuals - entrepreneurs (para. 45.2 c. 45 Podatkovho Code of Ukraine)
Therefore, if your company changed locations (tax address) about this need to make changes to the Unified State Register and amendments to the Constitution (except when the company operates under a model statute).
To change the location has two stages.
The first step is to change the Unified State Register held any - that the state registrar, the location of the company within the administrative and territorial structure of the region (region) applicants for whom the principle
The second step is making changes in the relevant tax office and get new registration documents (eg extract from the registry single taxpayers or payers of VAT).
Turning for help to our company, you save yourself hassle that is associated with the passage of this procedure.

What do you get?
- preparation of relevant documents and registration steps to change the location of the state registrar;
- Obtaining new extracts from the USR;
- Preparation of documents and of changes in the tax office (if you are a payer or single tax payer of VAT);
- a new excerpt from the registry single taxpayers or register VAT payers;

Cost of service:
If you are registered within the city. Kyiv - UAH 1,000.
If you are registered in Kiev region - 1300 UAH.
If you registered any - other region Ukraine - agreed price.
The cost of services not included notary services and public duty for a change to the USR, which is 530 UAH .
